Policy affects each one including the person who has nothing to influence but it’s the political system in any nation which decides the course of life of its nationals. On the economic stratification this world is configureted in Developed Nations, Developing Nations and Nations where process of development is at nascent stage. India is nation which is now free for the last 71 years and chosen the democratic system based on socialistic economic strategies to rule over its people. In 1990, mode changed to LPG (Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation). We can understand this as “Privatisation refers to the participation of private entities in businesses and services and transfer of ownership from the public sector (or government) to the private sector as well. Globalisation stands for the consolidation of the various economies of the world. LPG and the Economic Reform Policy of India. Liberalisation refers to the slackening of government regulations. The economic liberalisation in India denotes the continuing financial reforms which began since July 24, 1991”. Socialistic path chosen initially gave way to LPG. With the advent of it, in 1991 the course of development of the nation changed holistically. 

It is for the reference to understand the policy of acquisition of land for development of infrastructure, good connectivity and lessen the distance and save the time in movement of man, material and resources from one place to other. A network of Highways was conceptualised and for realising this land is required to implement the ambitious projects. Haryana is a state that is situated in the close vicinity of national capital and most of the highways connecting the north and west passes through here. With these projects politics of vote, exploitation, misinformation and deceit of ignorant farmers creep in. Rules and regulations for fixing the rates for acquired land saw a sea change within the short spell of 5-6 years. Since rates of acquisition of land are varying to the suitability of political class and its political interests, providing benefits to its constituency.Farmers are subjected to become prey of uncertainty, design of unscrupulous elements, unending litigations and series of troubles. It’s the one aspect of the problem.
The other aspect is more glaring and disturbing and potentially sabotaging the important projects of immense importance and development of state as a whole. These so-called saviors and benevolent of farmers are in fact creating mistrust and uncertainty amongst the farmers on the name of insignificant compensation of acquired land. Fair and transparent system of fixing rates is termed as dubious. Farmers wilfully accepted the compensation amount that was on the higher side of prevalent market rates at the time of acquisition. An alternate system of Arbitration is at place to decide any issue related to compensation. Judicial scrutiny is at its place and available since the inception of the provision of acquisition. Farmers have every right to get the appropriate compensation of the land taken from them. But here comes the role of unscrupulous elements who share nothing and no land of theirs was taken for these projects. They have evil eye and design on the amount received by the farmers in lieu of their acquired land and have unholy plan to rob the farmers in the name of agitation. Farmers are made to sit-in and pool the amount to run the show which is aimed at to get the political mileage and fame on the hard earned money of the poor farmers. Sit-in planned to stop the on-going work on projects to get higher and enhanced compensation knowing that relief if any is to be decided by Arbitration or courts and they have nothing to influence except pocket the money of poor farmers in the name of agitation. It’s the democratic right of any person to agitate and say and raise their concerns even if some alternate process is available but it is not in the interest of farmers and state to lock horns on a non-issue. Such tendency not only spoil the development plan of the state but also turn the farmers on the wrong path. Such happenings provide an opportunity to the cheats and exploiters in the garb of fighting for just cause. More glaringly, such so-called leaders are not organising the farmers for larger issues related to the pathetic condition of the farmers such as providing irrigation water, inputs, crop failures and economic price of crop produce. They know if farmers are organized, on such vital issues new leadership will emerge from within the farmers and their designs will fail. This is a common happening in Haryana today. It is need of time that farmers understand this and organise themselves in the well structured organisation which may be available to raise every issue concerning the economic and social bearing of the farmers in a transparent and organized manner. Adhocism is saboteur for the welfare of the farmers and also damage the collective action on any issue. So called saviors will take away their money that should be used for furthering the cause of family and establishing some means to sustain in future. It’s the need on the part of farmers to identify the problems and their gravity and save themselves from theses sharks who have eye on their hard earned money. They will have to understand the design and unholy plan to loot their money. Struggle is the key to save the cause but it should be well crafted and guided. It is also the duty of governments to save the rights of the farmers and educate them through means available.
The other aspect is more glaring and disturbing and potentially sabotaging the important projects of immense importance and development of state as a whole. These so-called saviors and benevolent of farmers are in fact creating mistrust and uncertainty amongst the farmers on the name of insignificant compensation of acquired land. Fair and transparent system of fixing rates is termed as dubious. Farmers wilfully accepted the compensation amount that was on the higher side of prevalent market rates at the time of acquisition. An alternate system of Arbitration is at place to decide any issue related to compensation. Judicial scrutiny is at its place and available since the inception of the provision of acquisition. Farmers have every right to get the appropriate compensation of the land taken from them. But here comes the role of unscrupulous elements who share nothing and no land of theirs was taken for these projects. They have evil eye and design on the amount received by the farmers in lieu of their acquired land and have unholy plan to rob the farmers in the name of agitation. Farmers are made to sit-in and pool the amount to run the show which is aimed at to get the political mileage and fame on the hard earned money of the poor farmers. Sit-in planned to stop the on-going work on projects to get higher and enhanced compensation knowing that relief if any is to be decided by Arbitration or courts and they have nothing to influence except pocket the money of poor farmers in the name of agitation. It’s the democratic right of any person to agitate and say and raise their concerns even if some alternate process is available but it is not in the interest of farmers and state to lock horns on a non-issue. Such tendency not only spoil the development plan of the state but also turn the farmers on the wrong path. Such happenings provide an opportunity to the cheats and exploiters in the garb of fighting for just cause. More glaringly, such so-called leaders are not organising the farmers for larger issues related to the pathetic condition of the farmers such as providing irrigation water, inputs, crop failures and economic price of crop produce. They know if farmers are organized, on such vital issues new leadership will emerge from within the farmers and their designs will fail. This is a common happening in Haryana today. It is need of time that farmers understand this and organise themselves in the well structured organisation which may be available to raise every issue concerning the economic and social bearing of the farmers in a transparent and organized manner. Adhocism is saboteur for the welfare of the farmers and also damage the collective action on any issue. So called saviors will take away their money that should be used for furthering the cause of family and establishing some means to sustain in future. It’s the need on the part of farmers to identify the problems and their gravity and save themselves from theses sharks who have eye on their hard earned money. They will have to understand the design and unholy plan to loot their money. Struggle is the key to save the cause but it should be well crafted and guided. It is also the duty of governments to save the rights of the farmers and educate them through means available.
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