Diktats of khap panchayats seem to rule the rural Haryana rather than rule of law, one of the key pillar of any democratic system and these Tughlaquee diktats are ruining the life of young married couples. Recently few such cases have been the headlines of newspapers. The diktats issued by these kangaroo courts of khap panchayats are writing the fate of married couples and have taken the established justice delivery system at ransom without any written or custom oriented authority completely disregarding the norms governing the private life individuals. Marriage of Satish of Kheri Maham and Kavita of Bhagi-Bahrod was annulled by such socalled khap panchayat and the couple was ordered to be brother-sister despite having a child out of this wedlock. How can a married couple , who has intimate physical relations be brother-sister all of sudden? Do the social and moral ethics permit this? The alamberdars of social values and customs forget the fact that once sexual relations established between a man and woman, they can not be treated as brother-sister even in parlance. Likewise khap panchayat annulled a marriage of a couple of Kheri Ballam and Sundana and ordered their exile from the village. Marriage of Ravi Khanagwal of Khandakheri and Kavita Nagar of Nangthala village was spoiled by hood looms of village citing that marriage is illegal between them because Khanagwal gotra people reside in Nangthala. Couple is curse to face the ignominy rather bliss of honeymoon within hours of tieing the nupital knot.
In all these cases, pathetic attitude of state governmeand its administration is not only appalling but disgusting also. Political class who swears to be saviour of the masses skips its responsibility.Rather protecting people, it showers mute approval to the undemocratic unethical actions of khap panchayats in order to intact their vote bank. It is their duty to oppose each and every such incident and generate a social opinion against such kind of harakiri. Administration time and again (like in earlier cases) prefer to keep mum. It is there duty to implement the rule of law. Administration is responsible for every single individual's life, liberty and privileges. Most of social organizations and NGOs claiming for working of the security and liberty of individuals could not utter a single word against these gory incidents. Only a thin voice of few radical organizations is heard in opposition sporadically. Executive, that all the time harps and insists that judiciary is encroaching upon its field of action, amazingly non-committal for the security and liberty of such victimized couples. Higher Judiciary takes the cognizance of such instances but administration prefer to be mum and lame. The other day, we celebrated the death anniversary of Ch. Ranbir Singh, referred as icon of Indian constitution but we failed to respect and implement the noble ideas enshrined in constitution drafted by these great freedom fighters and law makers. It is the shame on us. Issues of marriage with in gotra is cooked to stress and emphasize their view point rather than any reality. Not even a single marriage has been occurred where both boy and girl belongs to strictly speaking same gotra. Even the gotra of ancestors is isolated as a matter of principle while finalizing a alliance not only in arranged marriages but also in love marriages. As and when such issue is raised, the other gotras of the village are said to be in the degree of isolation. When the marriage between gotras is not forbidden in other parts of the state, then how can the marriage in particular village is taboo. Such marriage alliances are raked up as marriage in the same gotra. Unholy and unrealistic hype is created to make the lives of the couples spoiled in order to brighten chaudhar of a few feudal minded village lords. Social fabric of society is torn for the suitability of a few such chaudhar hungry people. So called village lords with ingrained feudal mind set are allowed to play freely according to their sweet whim and wishes. Time has come, not only government and its administration but also society as a whole has to oppose such tendencies tooth and nail otherwise peace and tranquility of the rural areas will be at stake. Time and again Haryana in general and rural areas in particular are made hunting ground to brighten the leadership of a few disgruntle element who are hell bent upon to spoil the social order. Should we be made victim of such thoughtless minds? Think...........
In all these cases, pathetic attitude of state governmeand its administration is not only appalling but disgusting also. Political class who swears to be saviour of the masses skips its responsibility.Rather protecting people, it showers mute approval to the undemocratic unethical actions of khap panchayats in order to intact their vote bank. It is their duty to oppose each and every such incident and generate a social opinion against such kind of harakiri. Administration time and again (like in earlier cases) prefer to keep mum. It is there duty to implement the rule of law. Administration is responsible for every single individual's life, liberty and privileges. Most of social organizations and NGOs claiming for working of the security and liberty of individuals could not utter a single word against these gory incidents. Only a thin voice of few radical organizations is heard in opposition sporadically. Executive, that all the time harps and insists that judiciary is encroaching upon its field of action, amazingly non-committal for the security and liberty of such victimized couples. Higher Judiciary takes the cognizance of such instances but administration prefer to be mum and lame. The other day, we celebrated the death anniversary of Ch. Ranbir Singh, referred as icon of Indian constitution but we failed to respect and implement the noble ideas enshrined in constitution drafted by these great freedom fighters and law makers. It is the shame on us. Issues of marriage with in gotra is cooked to stress and emphasize their view point rather than any reality. Not even a single marriage has been occurred where both boy and girl belongs to strictly speaking same gotra. Even the gotra of ancestors is isolated as a matter of principle while finalizing a alliance not only in arranged marriages but also in love marriages. As and when such issue is raised, the other gotras of the village are said to be in the degree of isolation. When the marriage between gotras is not forbidden in other parts of the state, then how can the marriage in particular village is taboo. Such marriage alliances are raked up as marriage in the same gotra. Unholy and unrealistic hype is created to make the lives of the couples spoiled in order to brighten chaudhar of a few feudal minded village lords. Social fabric of society is torn for the suitability of a few such chaudhar hungry people. So called village lords with ingrained feudal mind set are allowed to play freely according to their sweet whim and wishes. Time has come, not only government and its administration but also society as a whole has to oppose such tendencies tooth and nail otherwise peace and tranquility of the rural areas will be at stake. Time and again Haryana in general and rural areas in particular are made hunting ground to brighten the leadership of a few disgruntle element who are hell bent upon to spoil the social order. Should we be made victim of such thoughtless minds? Think...........
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