Marriage alliances between young eligible couples who tie knot against the whim and wishes of local "alamberdar" of social values are cursed to face stiff opposition from the so called social leaders of village society. Till now more or less central Haryana and its adjoining areas was infected with this syndrome but now this infectious disease is spreading in new areas of Haryana such as areas of south Haryana bordering Rajasthan. Manethi is a village situated on national highway leading from Delhi to Khetri and known for its innovative farmers, producing a crop of agricultural scientists and technocrats and also soldiers of all ranks and file.
Perhaps this progress was only the result of improving the economic condition of the people while preserving the rotten ills and evils intact. What a starking contrast it is?
Sarla and Sunil tied the Knot in a temple with their free will on Nov.13,2009 and decided to lead a life according to their wishes breaking the ill social norms of that area where marriage is a occasion of pomp and show; and ugly display of dowry.This couple belongs to major caste of south Haryana. But our society is blessed with opposing the right things and creating hell for those who choose the right path. In rest of Haryana, traditional leaders devoid of values and responsibility lead such unconstitutional congregation but in this case elected representatives of panchayat and numberdars were involved defying their role as administrative functionaries.Interestingly, administration remained mute on the role
played by their key functionaries. This amply testifies the will, grit and character of government who is constitutionally responsible and answerable for protecting the legal and fundamental rights of its people.Is this a way of functioning of government
machinery ? Will the people of Haryana tolerate this ignominy with every passing day?
Lets ponder over at least on our bare minimum responsibility being human.