In recent times economic issues are headlines not only of electronic media but also consumed precious space of print media. It transpires from all these is that only economic parameters are the sole indicator of societal progress. No doubt that economics is the precursor of the society in general and affects individuals in all possible ways. It is presumed that better economies serve its people in much better manner. Its may be true that a economically viable man may have time and resources for investment for a vibrant and lively society. But on the same time its also true that economics devoid of social concerns play havoc with society. In the context of Indian sub-continent this fact is real. The growth of economy enlarged the gap between 'haves and haves not'. A vast majority of the nation perils for basic amenities on one hand and a select few have majority of resources in their pockets on the other hand.
Social values crashed in this process. Society has assumed altogether a unique character. On the one hand caste, creed, religion and inequality of sexes decide the fate of majority in society and on the same time a select band of society which actually is not a part of the major block derives lines for itself altogether not found even in traces in real society.
The real society is still grossly infected with narrow and bigot views on mate selection. The eligible couples are cursed to act according to whim and wishes of their clan or caste lords. If and when someone dares to break the orthodox line, he or she is sure to face threatened attitude of "Khaf Lords . In recent time every such couple has to seek the protection for life from different courts and insensitive administration is supposed to arrange protection and shelter for such delinquent couples. What may be if shelter is arranged. From where the basic living ingredients for life come from? Is only food, shelter and clothing are sufficient for living a dignified life at least for those who wish to live in a rational and equatable society?
Sometimes it seems that we are living in a "Talibani Society" where none is supposed to think beyond a dotted horizon. But if we look at the economic growth and gadgets of which we are used to and now part and parcel of of life, it looks like that we are a society that's not only progressive but just also. Every commoner uses the the internet, chats with friends, enjoy every bliss and happiness, and proud to be "net" savvy but when again in the family situation, guards his 'sis' to be away from boys and come straight to home after finishing job or class or any such thing. See, what a fantastic dualism we have! Lets look in to ourselves and discover the the real human being.